Privacy Policy

Who is the data processing controller?
  • Identity: Laboratorios Farmacéuticos ROVI, SA. (Rovi) – Tax Id No.: A-28041283.
  • Postal address: Julián Camarillo, 35- 28037 Madrid.
  • Telephone: 91 375 62 30.
  • E-mail:
Who is the Data Protection Officer (DPO) and how can they help you?

The DPO is provided for by law and has the main functions of informing and advising the entities on the personal data obligations to which they are subject and supervising compliance therewith. Furthermore, the DPO acts as a point of contact with the entities for any issue concerning personal data processing and, therefore, if you so wish, you may contact them.

Contact details of the ROVI’s DPO:

  • DPO contact:
For what purpose do we process your personal data?

We process the personal data that you provide in order to:

  • Send you marketing information on the medicines manufactured, imported, distributed or promoted by Rovi or other companies belonging to its Group, as well as on courses, presentations, congresses or other events organised or sponsored by said entities or by others. This information may be sent using any means, including electronically.
  • Respond to any requests, questions or queries you may put to us in relation to the medicines mentioned in the preceding point.
  • Respond to any requests, questions or queries you may put to us in relation to your participation in courses, presentations, congresses or other events organised or sponsored by ROVI or by others.
    On the basis of the information provided, marketing profiles may be drawn up, in order to provide you with information on the products, services and activities best suited to your professional activity or interests.
  • Where applicable, to manage the relationship whereby you provide services to ROVI or to manage the collaboration relationship between parties and make the obligatory disclosures in this area, including, where appropriate, the individual publication thereof on our website (

In any event, the authorisation to process your data for the purposes described in letters a), b) and c) above is voluntary and the only consequence of your refusal would be that you would not receive marketing information on our products, services and activities.

We inform you that, through the data collection form, we will be asking you for your e-mail address. This e-mail address maybe used subsequently to send ROVI’s marketing communications, as stated above, provided that the data subject gives his or her consent. The lawful basis for processing your data for the purpose described in letter d) is to perform the service contract or to manage the collaboration relationship between parties. Notwithstanding, the individual publication of obligatory disclosures is based on complying with a lawful interest in furnishing these transactions with transparency.

For how long will we process your data?

For the purposes described in letters a), b) and c), your data may be kept indefinitely until, where applicable, you notify us that you wish to erase them or we become aware that you have ceased your professional activity.

For the purpose described in letter d) of the preceding section, your data will be kept until the legal liability derived from the service relationship becomes statute-barred and, in any case, for the periods mentioned for the purposes of the individual publication of obligatory disclosures.

What is the lawful basis for the data processing?

The lawful basis for processing your data is the consent that is requested of you, which you may revoke at any time.

Notwithstanding the foregoing, the processing of your data is also based on meeting lawful business interests, consisting of the lawful promotion of our products, services and activities. Said lawful interest prevails, taking into account that the only personal data processed are contact data, the recipient of the information is a health professional, the communications that will be sent to them refer to products, services and activities directly related to their professional activity and that information that they will receive subsequently may help them in performing their professional duties.

The withdrawal of consent or any objection to continue receiving information will result in your data being erased.

At any event, any processing carried out before the withdrawal of your consent will not become unlawful due to the revocation of said consent.

To whom will your data be communicated?

Your personal data may be disclosed to third parties whenever their intervention is necessary for the organization or execution of the events or collaborations, such as medical societies, technical secretariats, travel agencies, airlines and any other provider of such services. Those who, with the mentioned purpose may also disclose them to third cooperating parties or to entities belonging to the same group. At your request, we will provide you with the information regarding entities to which we have provided your data.

For the purposes of centralized management of activities, your data may be disclosed to the other entities belonging to the Rovi Group. A list of the members of Rovi Group is available on

Services provided by health professionals and collaboration between parties will, where appropriate, be published on the website

What are your rights when you provide your data to us?

Any person has the right to obtain confirmation of whether or not we are processing personal data that concern them. Data subjects have the right to access their personal data and request the rectification of any inaccurate date or, where appropriate, request the erasure thereof when, among other reasons, the data are no longer necessary for the purpose for which they were collected.

Under certain circumstances, for reasons related to their specific situation, data subjects may object to the processing of their data. If you have granted your consent for a specific purpose, you have the right to withdraw it at any moment, although this will not affect the lawfulness of any processing based on the consent before it was withdrawn. In these cases, we will stop processing the data or, where applicable, will stop processing them for the aforementioned specific purpose, except for imperative lawful reasons or to lodge or defend ourselves against possible complaints.

Under certain circumstances, for reasons related to their specific situation, data subjects may object to the processing of their data. If you have granted your consent for a specific purpose, you have the right to withdraw it at any moment, although this will not affect the lawfulness of any processing based on the consent before it was withdrawn. In these cases, we will stop processing the data or, where applicable, will stop processing them for the aforementioned specific purpose, except for imperative lawful reasons or to lodge or defend ourselves against possible complaints

All the aforementioned rights may be exercised using the means of contact that appear at the beginning of this clause.

You may lodge a complaint with competent supervisory authority against any violation of your rights, especially if you have exercised them without obtaining satisfaction. You may also obtain more information on your rights by contacting said authorities.

If you provide data of third parties, you assume responsibility for informing them previously of the provisions of article 14 of the General Data Protection Regulation in the conditions set out in said article